Social Work Internship
Reporting to the Director of Client Services, the Social Work Student Intern will serve as a member of the Care Team, provide direct care support to participants in a highly relational environment, and provide support to the Rapid ReHousing and Community Resource Center programs. The Intern will develop an understanding of sex trafficking and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation, the provision of trauma-informed care, and the Whole Person Care Model. This internship is most appropriate for a Bachelor’s-level or a first year’s Master’s level social work student.
Participate in supporting an empowerment model, utilizing a strengths-based lens.
Assist with providing case management support to participants including, but not limited to: making referrals, assisting with housing applications, assisting with benefits/insurance applications, and developing relationships with service providers.
Accompany Care Team members on Rapid Re-Housing home visits.
Provide administrative support to the Community Resource Center which includes but not limited to: answering phones, sending faxes, providing scheduling support to participants, making copies, and scanning documents .
Participate in macro research projects based on the intern's interest and program needs.
When feasible to do so: attend staff meetings, clinical team meetings, case presentations, all staff gatherings, in-service trainings, Community Resource Center events (including Waffle Wednesdays), outreach activities, and service provider meetings.
Facilitate group work at the Community Resource Center.
Contact On-Call in cases of emergency for additional support, but be able to provide immediate crisis de-escalation as necessary.
Participate in collaborative supervision meetings with the Director of Client Services on an ongoing basis.
Complete research on topics relevant to commercial sexual exploitation, mental health, trauma-informed care, and/or addiction and present information to agency staff.
Complete any educational assignments as directed by the Director of Client Services.
Consistently follow all protocols, programs, and policies during internship.
Complete case notes, group notes, and any other necessary documentation.
Consistent attendance and punctual reporting and departing from internship.
Maintain confidentiality of both the Rapid ReHousing unit locations and of all participants in Rapid ReHousing and/or who access services at the Community Resource Center.
Possess strong organizational skills.
Proficiency in Microsoft Office programs, Dropbox, and in navigating virtual meetings (GoogleMeet & Zoom), email systems, electronic calendars, electronic records systems, and the internet.
Possess a valid driver's license and reliable transportation.
Possess strong interpersonal skills.
Consistently practice cultural humility.
Proven professionalism and maturity.
Ability to set and respect appropriate boundaries.
Excellent decision-making skills.
Ability to act appropriately and safely during an emergency situation including but not limited to following safety protocols and notifying the on call team member as soon as possible.
Ability to work in a team dynamic, as well as independently.
Working with their supervisor, the Social Work Student Intern will intern for a minimum of 16 in-office hours on a weekly basis. The standard internship schedule will be determined and solidified prior to the start of the internship, and is based on both the needs of the program, as well as the intern’s availability. Internship hours must occur in person and during regular business hours (Monday-Friday between the hours of 9am & 6pm). Transportation hours to and from the internship will not be accepted by the agency as counting towards internship hours. Training is provided at the start of the internship. Time off from the internship should be discussed and determined ahead of time with the program supervisor. If a regularly scheduled shift falls on a holiday, interns are expected to still report to their internship unless their school requires them to take the particular day off or they have requested this time off with their supervisor in advance.
***Please note***
Interns are required to show verification of having their primary Covid-19 vaccinations prior to starting their internship.
Amirah does not provide paid internships.
Amirah reserves the right to implement a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) with any intern who may need additional support. The intern’s school will be notified of any presenting issues that occur and that require a PIP.
Amirah reserves the right to dismiss an intern at any time with or without a PIP and/or notice. The intern’s school will be notified of any presenting issues that occur and require a PIP.
All resumes and cover letters can be emailed to Director of Client Services Tori Devine at tdevine@amirahinc.org.